Navigation and service

UKBH - University of Copenhagen


The Department of Forensic Chemistry in Copenhagen performs analyses for the whole country (population about 5.3 Million) concerning blood alcohol and forensic toxicological analyses of living persons in connection with driving under the influence of drugs and narcotics and persons in connection with criminal offences. The department also performs toxicological analyses in connection with autopsies from the Eastern part of Denmark (population of about 2,5 Million). The toxicological investigations include screening, identification and quantification of alcohol, drugs, narcotics and technical poisonings. Furthermore, effects/seizures received from the police and the juridical system are investigated for narcotics, drugs, and anabolic steroids.

The number of employees at the department is 54, which includes 8 scientists, 35 laboratory technicians, secretaries and IT staff. The analytical equipment is up to date and is mainly based on 8 LC-MS/MS, 8 GC/MS and several HPLC and GC systems.

The research and method development in the department are concentrated on analysis of alcohol, drugs and narcotics in biological forensic samples and in seizures of narcotics. The department has been involved in traffic projects such as IMMORTAL, where saliva and blood testing was performed on drivers.

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