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IBSR - L’Institut Belge pour la Sécurité Routière, asbl


The IBSR is an official non-profit organisation founded in 1986. The Belgian Minister of Mobility and Transports is President of the Institute. Its Board of Directors includes delegates of public authorities (Federal and Regional Ministries of Communications and Infrastructure, Justice, Home Affairs, federal and local police forces) and representatives of the private sector (technical vehicle inspection, insurance companies, federation of motor vehicles manufacturers and automobile associations) and of pedestrians and cyclists associations.

The Institute's general aim is to improve road safety and quality of life by means of information and education on the one hand and of research, study and advice to the authorities on the other hand. The activities of the IBSR concern the three components of road safety: the road user, the vehicle and the road.

Two out of the five departments of the Institute have gained, through national and international projects, networks, researches and demonstrations, a good expertise and experience on the topic of the influence of alcohol, drugs and medicine on road safety. The Department Behaviour and Policy studies the legal and psycho-social factors influencing the behaviour of the drivers and promotes the development of an efficient enforcement policy, including an alternative system of sanction. In this framework, the problem of driving under the influence is a major research topic. The Department CARA (drivers assessment and vehicles adaptation centre) assesses the fitness to drive of people with functional disorders and also determines the vehicle's necessary adaptation and equipment for handicapped drivers. In doing so, CARA has developed a strong experience on the criteria and procedures for the assessment of the drivers that will be a good basis for the evaluation of the rehabilitation programmes.

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