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DRUID Final Conference

Below you will find the posters presented at the DRUID-Final-Conference (Sep 2011).

To download a poster just follow the link. The posters are provided in .pdf format.

Plenum and Working Group "Toxicology"
Author and Title of Poster
Birgit Bukasa, Eveline Braun et al.: WP5 Rehabilitation (1)
Birgit Bukasa, Eveline Braun et al.: WP5 Rehabilitation (2)
Hallvard Gjerde, Kaarina Langel, Donata Favretto, Alain G. Verstraete: Determination of equivalent drug cutoff concentrations in blood and oral fluid
Alain Verstraete et al.: Toxicological standardisation in the experimental and epidemiological studies in DRUID
Postersession A
Author and Title of Poster
Sjoerd Howing: Prevalence of psychoactive substances in traffic
Sara Ann Legrand, Alain Verstraete: Prevalence of alcohol and drugs in blood of seriously injured drivers in 6 European countries
Jan Ramaekers: Effects of stimulant drugs on actual and simulated driving (WP1)
Markus Schumacher, Anja Knoche, Ricarda Jantos & Frank Petzke: Effects of analgetic medication on driving related skills (WP1)
Markus Schumacher, Anja Knoche , Mark Vollrath, Frank Petzke, Ricarda Jantos: Effects of analgetic medication on actual driving (WP1)
W.M. Bosker: The effect of dronabinol (Marinol®) on actual driving performance and Standardized Field Sobriety Tests
W.M. Bosker: MDMA (ecstasy) effects on actual driving performance before and after sleep deprivation, as function of dose and concentration in blood and oral fluid
Strand MC, Fjeld B, Arnestad M, Morland J: Can opioid maintenance patient drive safely?
Postersession B
Author and Title of Presentation
Uta Meesmann, Sofie Boets et al.: Results of a Literature Review on Driver Rehabilitation (2008)
Eveline Braun, Birgit Bukasa et al.: Results of a Questionnaire Survey Amongst Providers of Driver Rehabilitation in Europe (2007)
Simone Klipp et al.: Results of a Questionnaire Survey amongst Participants of Driver Rehabilitation Programmes in Europe
Cor Kuijten et al: Drugs, screening and enforcement: WP3.1
Tom Blencowe et al.: Drugs, screening and enforcement: WP3.2
Knut Veisten et al.: Drugs, screening and enforcement: WP3.3
Postersession C
Author and Title of Presentation
S.P. Monteiro and S. Ravera: The DRUID categorization system on medicines and driving - Methodology and patient counselling

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