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Analysis of the human behaviour by using Fixed Fire Fighting Systems in road tunnels

Discussions about equipping road tunnels with fixed fire fighting systems (FFFS) to support emergency assistance by third parties or to boost the protection of structures have increased in recent years. Previous studies primarily focused on the technical aspects. The influence of fire fighting systems on human behaviour, specifically in the self-rescue phase, has gone largely ignored. On behalf of the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), the Institute for Psychology at the University of Regensburg has investigated the influence of activated fire fighting systems on the experience and on reaction and escape behaviour. Various studies are to shed light on whether an activated fire fighting system has negative effects on self-rescue in certain situations.

The studies conducted indicate the effect that the activation of a fire fighting system can have on human behaviour. This has important implications for the optimisation of safety measures for tunnel users who are in the direct sphere of influence when an event occurs, and who are therefore exposed to direct danger. On the basis of the studies conducted and taking consideration of recommendations, it is to be expected that activation of a fire fighting system in a road tunnel will not negatively influence the self-rescue behaviour of tunnel users.

Additional Information

Research compact 06/2018


Analysis of the human behaviour by using Fixed Fire Fighting Systems in road tunnels
Reports of the Federal Highway Research Institute, book B 143, 2018

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    Federal Highway Research Institute
    Brüderstraße 53
    D-51427 Bergisch Gladbach
    Telephone: 0049 2204 43-9101
    Fax: 0049 2204 43-2550

  • Reports

    BASt's reports are almost entirely in German. Each report includes an english abstract. You can find the complete report by following the link to ELBA on the report's page.