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Annual Report 2013/2014

BASt-Bericht A 37e

Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen
168 Seiten
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Preis: 0,00 €

Application-oriented research in the various disciplines of the road sector is needed in order to continue designing and maintaining road traffic in Germany safely. All disciplines are at home in the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt): automotive engineering, traffic engineering and highway construction technology, bridge and structural technology, coordinated closely with accident research and scientific knowledge on human behaviour in road traffic. A needs-based transport policy and the will to improve road safety require objective scientific expertise.

In the Annual Report 2013/2014, the BASt presents its current research projects from the subject areas "Traffic Safety: Putting People First", "Automotive Engineering: New Systems and Ideas", "Traffic Engineering: Concepts, Measures and Statistics under the Loupe", "Environment: Protecting the Habitat and Making Road Traffic Sustainable", "Infrastructure: Safe Constructions and Roads for the Future" and "Road Construction: Optimised Surfaces and Condition Assessment".

Facts and figures on the budget, personnel and quality management as well as on international cooperation and press and public relations are included in the report.

The Annual Report 2013/2014 is available as download.

  • Kontakt

    Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen
    Brüderstraße 53
    51427 Bergisch Gladbach
    Telefon: 02204 43-9101
    Fax: 02204 43-2550

  • Zu beziehen über

    Carl Ed. Schünemann KG
    Zweite Schlachtpforte 7
    28195 Bremen
    Telefon: 0421 36903-53
    Fax: 0421 36903-48

  • Berichte zum Download

    Die Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen stehen ab dem Jahrgang 2003 zum Teil als kostenfreier Download im elektronischen BASt-Archiv ELBA zur Verfügung.