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Annual Report 2011/2012

BASt-Bericht A 36

Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Preis: 0,00 €

Bestellung eines gedruckten Exemplars.

Traffic on German roads is increasing continuously. The research of the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) is concerned with a road system that will be functioning well in the future, that is safe and economically and ecologically sustainable. Every two years, BASt reports on its tasks, research projects and selected administrative topics. The current report comprises the years of 2011 and 2012. On 151 pages, it provides an idea of current research about important topics of roads and traffic.

The projects SKRIBT and SKRIBTPlus examined the behaviour of drivers in tunnels in hazardous situations. It was discovered that in situations like this many people often react inadequately and too late. The collected data were used to develop new concepts that improve behaviour in hazardous situations in tunnels.

In recent years, new safety systems that improve braking behaviour in hazardous situations have been installed in vehicles. However, for end users it is difficult to compare different systems because they have no access to suitable assessments. The EU project ASSESS (Assessment of Integrated Vehicle Safety Systems for improved vehicle safety) in which BASt is involved as a key partner therefore developed a uniform procedure for assessment and legal questions.

Many European countries agree: Alcohol, drugs and medicines in road traffic constitute a safety risk on European roads. In order to gain new insights and to develop suitable countermeasures, the European Commission approved the largest research project so far to improve road safety: DRUID (Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines). This BASt-coordinated project took five years and involved institutes from 18 European countries. The result is a comprehensive stocktaking and concrete suggestions on measures to be taken.

A major part of the work of BASt also comprises extension and maintenance of the entire road infrastructure. The report "How will we build in the future: Road construction without oil?" for instance examines the question how we will maintain and extend our roads in the future with resources becoming scarcer and more expensive.

Furthermore, the campaign "on" the road plays a major part at BASt. For years there has been a shortage of parking spaces for trucks on federal highways. To remedy this situation, BASt has developed a new control approach: The so-called compact parking system increases capacities and uses them more effectively by parking trucks in a line according to their planned departure time.

The report is also available for downloading.

  • Kontakt

    Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen
    Brüderstraße 53
    51427 Bergisch Gladbach
    Telefon: 02204 43-9101
    Fax: 02204 43-2550

  • Zu beziehen über

    Carl Ed. Schünemann KG
    Zweite Schlachtpforte 7
    28195 Bremen
    Telefon: 0421 36903-53
    Fax: 0421 36903-48

  • Berichte zum Download

    Die Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen stehen ab dem Jahrgang 2003 zum Teil als kostenfreier Download im elektronischen BASt-Archiv ELBA zur Verfügung.